The thing about getting into arguments with people -- at least on the net -- is that no one ever budges an inch. Whether politics, metaphysics, or whatever other topic, no one ever says "you've got a good point there". Or "yes, that is something I hadn't considered" etc.
I'm not sure if I'm like that too. I certainly am with metaphysics, the mind-body problem, free will, philosophy of science and certain other philosophical issues. Scarcely anyone seems to have a faintest clue what they're talking about on such topics, and this definitely includes prominent scientists. I, on the other hand, have thought about these issues constantly for many many years.
Politics, I'm far less sure about and I like to think that I'm amenable to differing views. But, even here not much substantive ever seems to be said.
Also see my Arguing with People.
I have a problem using this 'blogger' commenting app. - doesn't work!!