Saturday, 2 January 2021

The Angry God of Thunder and Lightning

Just read this article:

Ignoring, misusing and abusing science

It says:

The driving ethos of science is control and prediction, where myth and superstition are replaced by scientific laws and principles, and where explanations for almost everything are denied their mystical provenance and acquire the air of science. Not only were explanations turned into things physical and not mystical — like the fact that thunder and lightning is not the doing of an angry god but is simply when cold and warm air meet.

Yeah, and me when I start shouting at people is not the result of an angry Ian, but is simply when neurons interact and fire.

Take note I don't actually believe thunder and lightning are caused by an angry God. But I get sick of reading stuff from brainwashed people and their implicit metaphysical assumptions.

Indeed, if I were a materialist, I could say the meeting of cold and warm air just is anger.  And there is no God that experiences the anger, there's only the anger itself!  (Compare to when materialists say all mental events e.g. anger, love, the experience of colour etc, just are neurons firing.  Moreover, there is no self that undergoes these experiences, there's only the experiences themselves!)

1 comment:

  1. I don't know what a standalone experience sans experiencer is supposed to be, but whatever it is that these people are talking about, it's not anything that resembles the actual meaning of "conscious experience".

    It's exasperating that so many experiencers of experiences are willing to deny *their* own existence as experiencers.
