Sunday 8 March 2020

Conventional Wisdom

A woman said on facebook "I love people who challenge conventional wisdom".

I certainly fit into that category. However, I seem to do it a tad too often.

I reject the conventional wisdom that we are just here for the ride and there's no "life after death". I reject the wisdom that robots will eventually become conscious and be a threat to humankind. I reject the wisdom that capitalism and democracy are the ideals that society should strive for. I reject the wisdom that in the next couple of decades or so we will detect alien civilisations. I reject the wisdom that morality is merely a reflection of one's culture and there is no objective morality. I reject the wisdom that we are what our environment makes us and people aren't born nasty. I reject the wisdom of the desirability of compelling children to attend school 35 hours a week from the ages of 4 to 18. I reject the wisdom that the more people go to University the better. I reject the wisdom that to be ambitious is extremely desirable.

Am I a maverick purely for the sake of being a maverick? I don't think so . . but ...

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