Monday, 30 November 2015

My first ever video game -- pong.

This was the very first computer/video game -- at least as far as I'm aware. I remember my first experience of playing this game. It was at the forum in Billingham ~1974. I and my friend Gary Dix decided to put 5p in the Pong machine to have a game (no idea who paid, doubt it was me cos I never had any money those days! Well 50p a week pocket money which all went on sweets and comics the day I received it -- but I digress). First up to 11 won. But if you missed then the ball was continually served to you. I couldn't hit the ball for love nor money! Went to 0-5, so Gary came over to my control, but he completely failed to hit the ball too! And went to 0-11 without either of us being able to hit the ball.

I got a home pong console a couple of years later, and I became better than anyone else at it. Indeed I don't think I ever missed the ball! I had to play against myself most of the time though, left hand v right hand. Went on eternally! Although right hand always eventually won.And when space invaders came out in the arcades around 1979, I eventually became better than anyone else I'd ever seen at that game too.

All just a question of practice!

Got into trouble at School!

I remember when I was at school. It was something like 1977. The queen was passing through the area and the pupils had the option of staying off school for the day in order to go and see her. So obviously I said I wanted to see her, but instead stayed at home reading Enid Blyton books all day. One of my friends spragged on me to our registration teacher, and I got into trouble!! :O

Monday, 23 November 2015

How to lose weight and keep it off permanently

This is a chart of my weight since the 23rd of August 2012 until around a week ago.  You'll notice 2 sharp drops in my weight, one occurring at the beginning of the chart in August 2012 and another one in June of this year.  I'll talk about the latter one first.

This latter drop in weight occurred in June of this year and was precipitated by moving to another area of the country (in England).  This was very stressful for me and when I worry or am stressed I tend to eat somewhat less than I do normally.  As can be seen I regained the weight after about 3 months or so.  I never tried to keep this weight off, nor did I try to regain my weight.
I just ate what I liked during this time period. The fact that it has gone back up to what it
was originally, but then stayed there without going further up,
suggests to me that I have a natural weight or "default" weight which my body will strive
towards. Thus if I lose weight for whatever reason over a few weeks, my body will make me sufficiently hungry so that I eventually regain
that weight. But the same might happen if I eat too much over a few
weeks. My body will reduce my hunger so that I lose it again.

further suggest this is why the vast majority of diets fail-- namely because people can only keep up a diet for a few weeks or months since they are
constantly having to struggle against their hunger. Once they give up
their bodies will make them sufficiently hungry so that they regain all
the lost weight. So dieting was a fruitless endeavour because all that happens
is that whilst you're on the diet you're hungry for a few weeks or months, you eventually give up, and you just end up putting all the weight back
on. So people go through all that suffering (being hungry all the time)
for nothing. Moreover, I have heard that constantly dieting, then falling off the wagon,
might be deleterious to one's health.

But what about the first drop in weight back in August 2012? Did I move home then too? Was I
worried about something? Was I stressed about anything at all?  No, I went on the 5-2 diet i.e a diet where
for 2 days in every week I restricted my calorie intake to 600 calories on
each of those 2 days. These days were not consecutive. The other 5
days I just ate what I liked. 

So I kept on this 5-2 diet for a
few months and lost close to a stone (a stone is 6.5kg or 14 lbs). At
that point I wasn't really losing any more so I came off the diet. Why
didn't I regain the weight? I'm not sure. One possibility is that the 5-2
diet is more successful than other diets. But I suspect it was because even when I came off my 5-2 diet I still weighed myself every day. On those days where my weight seemed to be a
tad high I cut back on my food intake slightly on that day. Those days
where my weight was slightly lower I just ate what I liked. At this
point I wasn't on a slimming diet, but just frequently checking my
weight and reducing my food intake accordingly on occasional days.  I did this for a few months, but I don't do that any longer. I just eat what I like nowHowever my
"default" weight has changed from what it was prior to August 2012
has gone down by almost a stone.

I suggest to lose weight permanently
one has to change their "default" or natural weight. The only other alternative to
permanently lose weight is to deliberately restrict your calorie intake
and fight against your hunger for the rest of your life!  I
suspect one can change their default weight by first of all going on a
diet (probably the 5-2 diet isn't necessary, but I'm not sure). Then
once you're down to a desirable weight to keep checking your weight
every day and make slight adjustments as necessary to one's calorie
intake. After a few weeks or months then perhaps your body will have
adjusted to a new "default" weight and you won't have to do this any more.
This seems to have happened to me anyway